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High Level International Conference «Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities» to be Held in Tashkent

The President of Uzbekistan Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed an initiative to strengthen regional connectivity in the context of the new open foreign policy strategy of Tashkent. The idea is aimed at further deepening economic cooperation in Central Asia, with access to South Asia, which has historically been closely linked to our region in economic, social, cultural and civilizational dimensions.


The High Level International Conference «Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities» is intended to form a political and expert platform for multilateral discussion of the mutually beneficial strategic model «Central Asia - South Asia» in transport and logistics, energy, trade, industry, investment, technological, cultural and humanitarian domains. The conference will consist of an opening ceremony, a plenary session, three breakout sessions and a final part.


The conference will be attended by more than 250 participants from over 40 countries and international organizations who have confirmed their participation. About 90 journalists and other media representatives will arrive in Tashkent to cover the conference.


The opening ceremony of the International Institute of Central Asia (IICA) will take place in Tashkent on 15 July, from 15:00 to 16:30 pm. The opening ceremony of the institute is planned to be attended by the ministers of foreign affairs of the Central Asian states and experts.


On 16 July the conference will start by the plenary session on «Central and South Asia: Regional connectivity». During the meeting, it is foreseen that the Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. António Guterres and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, as well as the heads of foreign states and governments and ministers of foreign affairs and international financial organizations will make their addresses.


The session will also consider the state of affairs and prospects of inter-regional cooperation in Central and South Asia, successful examples of cooperation, promising interconnected infrastructural projects.


  • The first breakout session «Trade and Transport Connectivity for Sustainable Growth» will focus on:

- prospects for the modernization of the economies of Central and South Asia in the context of strengthening interregional connectivity;

- opportunities for the development of transport and communications connectivity in Central and South Asia, including projects to expand existing and build new transport corridors;

- priority areas of cooperation with foreign and international financial and investment institutions and other issues.


  • The second breakout session «Revival of cultural and humanitarian ties as a way to strengthen friendship and mutual confidence» will consider:

- cooperation in studying, preserving and promoting the historical and cultural heritage of Central and South Asia;

- interaction in the fields of education, social support and protection of the youth interests, healthcare, science and technology, ecology, tourism.


  • The third breakout session «Regional Security. Challenges and Threats» will focus on the prospects of regional cooperation in combating new threats and challenges, as well as ensuring the security of cross-border infrastructure


The conference will be concluded with a summary of the results of the event by the moderators and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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