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The Brussels-Uzbekistan Friendship Group Obtains Accreditation to the European Parliament

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-28 at 19.49.53.jpeg


Press Statement


Since 23 September 2021, the Brussels-Uzbekistan Friendship Group is accredited to the European Parliament through its registration in the Transparency Register (Identification number: 645846144178-64).


The Transparency Register is open to all interest representatives that try to influence the law-making and policy implementation process of the EU institutions. It makes visible what interests are being pursued, by whom and on whose behalf, and the resources devoted to these activities.

This accreditation will allow the representatives of the Brussels-Uzbekistan Friendship Group to better and more closely follow the discussions and debates on Uzbekistan and Central Asia taking place inside the European Parliament (whether it be hearings, events, press conferences, committee and delegation meetings, etc)

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